Friday, December 20, 2013

How to get rid of cellulite

How to get rid of cellulite??… Well before we begin, let’s understand what’s the meaning of cellulite.

Cellulite (also known as adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrusus cutis, gynoid lipodystrophy, and orange peel syndrome) is the herniation of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue that manifests topographically as skin dimpling and nodularity, often on the pelvic region (specifically the buttocks), lower limbs, and abdomen. Cellulite occurs in most postpubescent females ( got it from wiki ).
What are the causes of cellulite:
  • Diet – people who tend to eat to much fat, carbohydrate, salt and too little fiber and more prone to get cellulite.
  • Genetics – certain genes are required for cellulite development. Genes may predispose an individual to particular characteristics associated with cellulite, such as gender, race, slow metabolism, distribution of fat just underneath the skin, and circulatory insufficiency.
  • Hormone changes – hormone plays a big factor here. Many believe estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin are part of the cellulite production process.
  • Lack of physical activity – people who don’t exercise tends to get it too.
  • Lifestyle factors – A high-stress lifestyle will cause an increase in the level of catecholamines, which have also been associated with the evolution of cellulite.
Now that you know and understand what cellulite is. now you know what you can do to try to prevent cellulite. There are many products and treatments out there from cellulite creams, liposuction, laser treatment, massage treatment, heat therapy, ultrasound, radio frequency therapy, magnetic therapy and electrical stimulation ( i’m sure there’s a lot more ). Even though none of them are really proven to have worked people still buy and try them. But if you really want the best way to get rid of the cellulite it’s eating healthy, low fat foods like fruits and vegetables. Fiber can help avoid cellulite. And also the best way is to exercise regularly, maintain a healthy weight and try to reduce stress.

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